6890 EPC Flow Module Repair

Do you have an EPC module that isn't working properly? The OEM offers no repair solution and recommends you discard it and buy a new EPC. That's not what anyone wants to hear with a part that costs well over $3,000 (some are over $4,000 as of 2012). We repair all types of flow modules, whether it's an inlet, detector, or auxiliary EPC.

We offer repair services for 6890 and 6850 series GC EPC modules of any type. We use a tiered repair price so that uncomplicated repairs like sample eluate buildup or a deteriorated seal are offered at a discounted rate.

A breakdown of what constitutes a quick repair and an advanced repair is listed below. Thanks for visiting our website!

Quick Repair (Includes ALL of the following):

Cleaning / Testing $140.00
Calibration $70.00
O-Ring Replacement $10.50
TOTAL $220.50

Advanced Repair (Includes ANY of the following):

Septum Purge 3cc G1544-60710
Valve 1 G1531-60543
Valve 2 G1531-60541
Valve 3 G1531-60544
Digital Valve G1544-60580
Circuit Board G1575-60040
Flow Sensor G1543-80010
PSI Sensor 100 G1531-80010
PSI Sensor 150 G1531-80030
Any module-specific components
(toggle valve, etc.)
Mainframe Parts  
TOTAL $750.00

NOTE: If the value of parts exceeds trade-in value, unit is deemed "unrepairable"

This is based on our judgement.




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